Nagual Sounds Update Dance and create your music.


We are getting closer. On August 13th we are going to start the Nagual Dance Crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. This time we would like to introduce to you the most important element of Nagual Dance: the interactive Soundscapes.

Crowdfunding for Nagual Dance starts on August 13th

Yes! Our crowdfunding campaign for Nagual Dance on Indiegogo is just about to start. We will have fantastic rewards and great features for you to take part directly in Nagual Dance's success.

Check out our new website to see how much time is left until the big day. Please spread the word for us and help us make the world know about Nagual Dance. We truly appreciate your support, only together we can make it work.

Experience Nagual Dance this summer

There is nothing like trying Nagual Dance live. Check our agenda and have a dance with us.

31st of July "Bauer sucht Kultur", 10.15 pm(EST) RBB
08th of August NEW! The Maker Camp, Facry Berlin
22nd of August zibb, 6.30 pm (EST), RBB
31st of August NEW! Opening Party Game Science Center, Berlin
4th + 5th of September Berlin Music Week, Berlin
9th of September Musiksymposium, Zuerich
13th of September "Yolo - das grosse W", 9.15 pm(EST) RTL
27th of September NEW! "The Idea Knockout" Competition, Zagreb
17t - 19th of October Earzoom Festival, Lubljana
25th of November BITKOM Trendkongress, Berlin

Dance with Nagual Sounds

Keep updated on our crowdfunding campaign, developer diaries, soundscape production and upcoming events.

"Music is a moral law. It gives you soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and everything." - Plato

Yours truly,
The Nagual Sounds Team