What's cooking?

It's been quiet around here for a while and there are reasons for that. :-)

If you look through our news section here, you might get the impression that we spent the last couple of months with a Caipirinha on the beach.
Actually, we would have loved to do that but instead we decided to take a break from public actions and concentrated on the development of our technology.

We are happy to announce that the open-beta version of our IOS app Nagual Sense is finally running.

This interactive music app for the Iphone allows you to generate and control music in real-time, using only the Gyro- and Accelerator sensor of your phone. By simply rotating and moving your phone, you can control various instruments at the same time and every set of movements results in a unique performance.

Download it for free, play around with it and leave us some feedback, either on Facebook or Twitter.

Together with the German Parkinson Foundation we are going to adjust this app now for the needs of Parkinson patients in order to give them

  • a musical instrument they can actually play with
  • a greater motivation to do their exercises
  • a tool to reduce the symptoms and pain through concentration of music creation

Due to some unforeseen issues regarding the development of Nagual Dance for the Xbox, this will still take a while until the release. We are sorry about those circumstances, In the meantime, you could still have that experience before the public release and rent it for your event here.

We also developed a lot more features for our Nagual Sounds Production Suite which will be available to music producers in 2017.

Apart from that did we take part at SXSW and won the New Media Award of the German Haus Pitch and the Startup Soundpit, presented by Axel Springer Plug and Play Accelerator at Music Tech Fest Berlin in May. We never received the promised prize though, but that's another story.

We will keep on developing on all ends to finish our lined-up products fast and to soon release the production suite for the new musical format of the future - THE INTERACTIVE SONG.

Meanwhile, catch us on our Nagual Dance Pop up Tour.


In case you haven't seen our video for Nagual Dance.





One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at: https://www.beonespark.com/berlin/about#sthash.4Z0YKp5x.dpuf

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at: https://www.beonespark.com/berlin/about#sthash.4Z0YKp5x.dpuf

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at: https://www.beonespark.com/berlin/about#sthash.4Z0YKp5x.dpuf

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at: https://www.beonespark.com/berlin/about#sthash.4Z0YKp5x.dpuf

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at: https://www.beonespark.com/berlin/about#sthash.4Z0YKp5x.dpuf